I knowingly and willingly consent to having treatments done at SISTER NAILS & BEAUTY during the COVID-19 pandemic and that I am opting for a service that is not urgent neither medically necessary.
I understand that the World Health Organisation (WHO) has declared COVID-19 a worldwide pandemic and that it is a contagious disease.
To prevent the spread of Covid-19, I agree to adhere to the salon’s strict social distancing guidelines and policies as set out by the UK government.
I understand that staff at SISTER NAILS & BEAUTY is closely adhering to social distancing and close-contact guidelines to prevent the spread of this virus. However, given the nature of the virus, I understand that there is an inherent risk of becoming infected with COVID-19 upon entering this premise and/or proceeding with treatment(s) provided.
Accordingly, I knowledge and assume the risk of becoming infected with COVID-19, and any variation of mutations thereof, during the time of my stay in this premise and/or through treatments. I therefore give my express permission for the staff at SISTER NAILS & BEAUTY to proceed with this understanding of risk with my treatment(s).
I understand that air-travel significantly increases my risk of contracting and transmitting the COVID-19 virus and I acknowledge that I am abiding to the UK government’s travel restriction and quarantine rules upon the entry of and undergoing treatment(s) at this salon.
I verify that I have not travelled outside the country to any restricted countries within the past 14 days.
I understand that due to the frequency of visits of other clients, the characteristics of the virus and the characteristics of the nail salon services, means that I have an elevated risk of contracting the virus by just merely being present in the salon.
I understand that due to the long incubation period of COVID-19 and the mild-symptomatic characteristics, the virus is still highly contagious. It is impossible for the salon to be able to determine who has it, and I accept the associated risks.
I understand that even if one has been tested negative for COVID-19, the tests may be false negatives and one may or may not have contracted the virus within the testing/result period. I understand that I may contract COVID-19 from anyone within or outside this premise without knowing it. I will therefore not hold this business nor the practitioner/staff accountable for any liability related to COVID-19 and any mutations of COVID-19 thereof.
I understand that exposure to COVID-19 before, during or after my treatment(s) may result in complications and/or delayed healing of any medical form and will not hold anyone at the salon (staff/premises) liable.
I confirm I do not have/I am not presenting any COVID-19 symptoms such as: a high temperature, a persistent dry cough, muscle ache, fatigue, and neither have been in contact with anyone in the last 14 days with COVID-19 symptoms. I understand that I will be asked to reschedule my appointment if I do present these symptoms at any point upon entering the salon.
This consent applies to any follow-up or additional services being provided at SISTER NAILS & BEAUTY